Xo, Lalo Land

These tumultuous times have affected us all: every human, every industry, every continent. After much anticipation, my new album is complete! Release date is set: March 25th.


I am going to reference this article I just read, hence the title of this post. I have often thought about motivation and feel that I need a why behind my what. Sometimes I may overthink things, but I believe it is important to understand your underlying reasons for doing things.

Being motivated by money for the sake of money leads to unstable emotional regulation and a lot of obnoxious and superficial behavior.

Being motivated by the approval of others leads to needy and unattractive behavior.

Being motivated by the approval of others because you’re an artist and want to construct art that moves and inspires people in new and powerful ways is far more sustainable and noble. 

I love this. Figure out your ‘why’ and go for it, full force. Find your deeper purpose through growth and contribution. Growth means finding a way to make yourself a better person. Contribution means finding a way to make other people better.

Big big world 

It is a big, big world, but it’s sometimes smaller than we realize. Waiting in line at a food court in Australia I turned around and saw my neighbor from Minnesota. In Prague I met someone who was a huge fan of a little music group I knew in Minneapolis. I recently was at a restaurant and saw a friend from college I had fallen out of contact with. She lives in Seattle now, but we happened to be in the same place at the same time in a different part of the country! All of these chance occurrences serve as a reminder to me that we never know which connection might lead us where. Keep yourself open to the possibilities in life. Also, always act with integrity. The world is watching!

Random Shower Thought 

So many things in this world are cyclical: months, seasons, experiences that serve as reminders, etc. Sometimes it is like the game mouse trap where one action causes another. With so much beyond our power, it is important to focus on the things we can control. Thoughts fleeting through our minds is a constant, but you can tune out the unhelpful ones and focus on the positive. Thoughts influence mood, influences action. Instead of thinking "I'm just not very good at this" think "I'm a person who is learning." Yup, random shower thought...


Relief washes over her,

as the invisible constraints

imposed upon her by another

have been severed.

He will never understand,

through the tiny lens

from which he gazes,

always silently speaking

me, me, me, me, me.

February 2022 

They say take what you like and leave the rest. There are quips that are applicable to all types of scenarios. I say take the time to know yourself. Try to emulate the positive qualities you see in others. Surround yourself with those whose actions and words you respect, and don’t be afraid to be yourself! Sometimes “leaving the rest” just shouldn’t be an option. Sometimes you have to fight for a just cause or for those who need the support. We are all humans with a place on this planet. Technology has allowed us to connect with the world and with others in a way that history never allowed. Whether locally, nationally, or internationally - do something good for another and you will do something good for yourself.

Thought for the day 

Music and art are tools to make sense of the world, to express experiences or emotions, to convey a message, or to connect with others. I have always found this process of creation to be therapeutic. Also, a familiar song can bring a person back to a particular time and place - it can trigger memories in such a remarkable way. The deep neural connection that music creates to a wide range of joyful and painful memories is a universal phenomenon. It is a strong tool to induce emotions and therefore, evoke memories. As we humans continue on our path of discovery, it is fascinating to learn the science behind the art. Everything is connected.

Back to life, back to reality... 

Yay, yay, yay! The release date is set: March 25th. In conjunction with my album release is a generative art collection entitled "rock n' roll women" to be available on the OpenSea marketplace. Final mandates are lifting and it's time to immerse ourselves fully in the world again.


What year is it? 

I feel like I've lost all concept of time emerging from this pandemic. There has been a swirl of emotions - disappointment, intrigue, guilt, anxiety, boredom, frustration. Like trying to remember past dates when filling out a resume, I struggle to relate the sequence of events from the past year...or has it been longer than a year? What initially felt like a snow day turned into something bigger than I ever could have imagined. My heart goes out to all who have been negatively impacted by this momentous world occasion. My heart has also been filled by those who have stepped up to the plate, rolled up their sleeves, and banded together to power through this struggle. We live in a constantly changing and evolving society, but there are certain truths that will always stay the same. We are social creatures who need each other to thrive and get by so be kind to one another. Also, there are opportunities to learn and grow all around so occasionally take the time to ask yourself, "what can I do to participate or help out?"